My Favorite Website Development Company in Gurgaon

Website Development Company in Gurgaon
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My Favorite Website Development Company in Gurgaon

Website Development Company in Gurgaon. The website is the first step for a brand into the digital world. You need a good website to showcase your products and connect with your users. However, getting a good website can be pretty difficult if you do not know a good website developer. Website development is a very tricky work due to the technical skills involved which can make a lot of people go dizzy.

The technical knowledge gap is often misused by developers to provide substandard work. Often we come across clients who have been fooled with a useless website and do not know what to do with it. It is during this time one wishes to know a website development company they could trust honestly.

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Fortunately, we do know a website development company in Gurgaon who can be trusted blindly.

Why do we trust this website development company?


The founder of AmitKK is Amit Kumar Khare who is an alumnus from IIM Lucknow – 2009-11 batch. He has worked in Indian Air Force as an Air warrior and brings a lot of professionalism to the table. With an engineer and PGDM in marketing, he has a lot of credentials to support his work.

Amit is an avid developer himself and looks forward to learning new languages and frameworks on a regular basis.


The skill level of the team at Amitkk is just mind-blowing. They can handle almost all languages and frameworks to develop a website and apps.

Not just website and App development, they are big-time into graphics designing, Search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing.

Unique UI/ UX of website

They design the UI/ UX of the website from scratch which is absolutely light to load. This makes the website load very easily and the page load speed scores 90+ on Google’s page speed test. While a regular website uses 9,000 lines of codes.

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Mobile responsiveness

The websites are full mobile responsive without any questions asked. Mobile responsiveness is a must for results in SEO as Google places a lot of focus on this factor.

A lot of traffic also comes from mobiles too, hence mobile responsiveness takes the center stage n website development.

Strong portfolio

Team of AmitKK has developed more than 150 + websites and 20+ App in less than 3 years of being in market. The websites developed by the team are fully mobile responsive and highly appreciated by users. The websites get delivered on time, cost and as per requirement committed.

You can check the website portfolio to check the websites developed by them.

SEO enabled

The website and App developed by AmitKK has SEO and digital marketing at its center. This allows the clients to promote the website easily through digital marketing.

Many developers leave this SE) focus as it requires additional effort on their end and most of them do not know a lot about SEO.

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Long term relationship

AmitKK aims at having a long term relationship and provides further services like annual maintenance, SEO, social media and possible scaling if required in future. The high work standards the team maintains ensures a long term relationship remains in place.

The Languages and framework AmitKK works on


They design custom website designs for wordpress based websites. They do not use the template available online for free or purchased, but custom design them for you. This allows you to have a lot of control over the website design for possible changes in future.

WordPress is highly suitable for websites which do not have a lot of functionality and are simple show and tell kind of websites. They are highly suitable for bloggers and small businesses.

AmitKK also develops woo commerce based websites for ecommerce clients. This also is designed from scratch allowing you to have to complete control and functionality on the website.

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React JS

React JS is the leading frontend framework which allows rapid website development with world class user experience. React JS has a strong backing from the facebook development team and is used by thousands of website developers across the world.

React JS can be used with any kind of languages to develop really fast and beautiful websites. So if you are looking for a React developer in Gurgaon, connect with Amitkk today.


Laravel is the most leading framework of PHP that enables developing big projects. The turnaround time for websites developed in larval is very short and you will be surprised as to how quickly work gets delivered in Laravel. Moreover, they can be combined with React JS easily to give the world class user experience.

Laravel provide highly secure websites with lots of functionalities provided in the framework itself.

If you are looking for a laravel development company in Gurgaon, eel free to connect with Amitkk today.

Of the lot of benefits and reasons to hire Amitkk for website requirement, honesty is the top most reason. They are very honest to their work and stand firm on their commitment. We have never faced any issue working with them for last 3 years and highly recommend them for website and app development services in Gurgaon.